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Show what your company has to offer

We will help you to find the perfect employee. How do we do that? At SKILLARY you can present your company as attractively and comprehensively as never before.  With a tiny bit of digital fairy dust …


Our pricing


Show your company’s true DNA, especially the aspects that go beyond your work. What makes your company special and what do you do to create an appreciative work environment ….


Three good reasons to choose SKILLARY

SKILLARY offers a company profile that shows your culture and structure in the most compelling way. Find potential team members and convince them with your meaningful and contemporary profile.



Save time in your talent search

Based in on the information in your respective profiles supplemented by your job ad, SKILLARY will match your company with talents in our database. That’s how we make sure that your requirements and expectations toward potential hires are met to a Talent.



Data driven and personal at the same time

Industry specific and data driven matching meets a platform that gives you the opportunity to present yourself as an attractive, appreciative and cutting edge work place. A great way to ensure that a potential employee’s motivations and skills fit your company’s needs.



Transparent and comparable

Your talent dashboard allows you to compare and evaluate potential hires as efficiently as never before. This functionality is coming soon and will be available through your profile – free of charge!

save time
both, data driven and personal
transparent and comparable
Our partners


Manuel Schupp


Architects have the perfect skill-set for innovation and disruption. Time to make this potential visible.

Elisabeth Endres

Dipl.-Ing. Architectur, Member of the executive Board IB Hausladen

Committed and well trained staff are paramount to develop sustainable cities and building concepts around the holistic planning discipline of ClimaDesign. Skillary offers a major support to identify these team members in a highly professional manner.

Veit Knickenberg

Dipl.-Ing. Architect, Managing Director, combine Design

If you are open towards new environments, people and how they collaborate you will need to innovate how we search and find each other.


Frequently Asked Questions

Identifying new employees and co-operations
Can I see my own employee's profiles?
How do I post a job?
For whom is SKILLARY the perfect network?
I can quit screening or filing employment ads?
What is the proprietary talent gallery?
What is the pricing of SKILLARY?
What does SKILLARY BETA mean?